With the planetary alignments changing and with the current planetary transits. Here are the weekly horoscope updates for your zodiac sign from September 2nd till September 8th. Read your weekly horoscope and plan your week ahead.
Aries (Mesha)

A busy week lies ahead of you where you might have to put in a few extra hours at work. All of your hard work shall pay off as your profession and business seem to pick up its pace at the start of the week. In a relationship, you might hit a few bumps but the love between you and your partner shall be made stronger because of it. Expenses and financial loss cannot be ignored especially during Thursday and Friday. Those days shall be difficult for you to get through as plans shall fail to fall through. However, Saturdays and Sundays shall go exceptionally well in your favor helping to improve on your finances as well as maintaining peace and harmony with your family at home.
Taurus (Brisha)

This week for you will be all about taking your relationship a step further. The week will be off to a great start as your new innovation and ideas shall intrigue you to take a creative approach to your work. The expectation from your loved one shall help you to push yourself further than you would have imagined possible. Thursday and Friday will be worthy days for you to spend quality time with your lover and even go out on a short trip together. Though everything may be smooth at the start, things can begin to go down during the weekend. Take factor of your health before you take part in any activity on the weekend as medical bills can be quite an expensive payoff.
Gemini (Mithuna)

It will be an ordinary week for you with most days going in your favor but not having the biggest of the outcome. People you have the least expectation of can come through in big ways. If you run your own business or have a side hustle, they shall be the most profitable this week. Books will be really helpful to keep you motivated and focused, so carry one around to read during your free time. Minor financial success can be achieved on Thursday and Friday. The weekend is the time for you to focus on your friends and families. However, business trips can take you away from your loved ones. Planning between work and family can be a hard task during the weekend, make sure to prioritize the things important to you.
Cancer (Karkata)

Health will not do you right during the start of the week. You may have to consider consulting a doctor as well. Your relationship will also face similar issues during the time. It will be a rather difficult start of the week but shall turn for better with the arrival of Thursday. Expect your health to make improvement from that time forth. Past experiences will help you to avoid making huge professional mistakes this week. Lucrative deals can be offered during this week, better steer clear from making investments in things you have no knowledge about. The weekend will be the time for you to work on your relationship. Decision made without a second thought can lead to dire repercussions during the weekend.
Leo (Simha)

Financial stability will kick off the start of the week. Expenses shall be managed properly and finances will be utilized to the maximum making every investment worthwhile. Whether you hate or love it, you will not be able to shake off your siblings and close friends this week. In regards to health, you may be prone to injuries on Thursday and Friday, best be caution of your surrounding on those days. Keep a level head at the workplace to avoid creating arguments within your colleagues. Love life will be a bit tricky this week with both you and your partner being unable to find time for each other. Make a prior arrangement and plans to spend more time with your significant other during the weekend.
Virgo (Kanya)

The week shall be off to a satisfying start. Work, studies, and finances all shall show improvement. Unexpected financial gain, along with more focus and productivity in both work and studies shall make for a great week’s start. New and beneficial financial and business propositions are likely to be offered this week with Thursday and Friday having strong chances of all days. Make sure to review the offers before making your decision. Tensions can get high with your significant other during the weekend. It will be hard to always agree with one another in a relationship. You do not always have to win an argument. If things get out of hand, agree to disagree and bring the conflict to an end.
Libra (Tula)

An exciting week lies ahead of you filled with the various experience that helps for your growth. Soul searching during the start of the week shall help you to learn more about yourself that ultimately helps to boost your self-confidence. A minor argument with your family and partner may occur but you shall be quick to mend fences and gaining love and adoration in return. Although an overall good week, Thursday and Friday, in particular, shall be even more favorable with the prospect of financial gain during those days. A peak health condition shall keep you excited during the weekend. With nothing to hold you back, you might as well go all out every once in a while to enjoy your day off.
Scorpio (Brischika)

This week may prove to be a little detrimental for you in terms of finances. Expenses can get a little out of hand at the start of the week, so you will have to give it your all to manage your funds better. Take due care of your health as it will not be off to a great start either. Thursday and Friday will be the luckier parts of the week where you will get to spend time with your friends. You will find those days to be working more in your favor in regards to your professional and personal life. The weekends will be wonderful in terms of spending quality time with your beloved. Going on a short trip should not be ruled out along with movies and a fancy dinner date.
Sagittarius (Dhanu)

Surprises are in store for you this week. Unannounced visitors may drop by to catch up with you, prepare in advance to be a good host despite the surprise visit. In regards to business, this is a good week to make some investment in your personal projects and tasks. Minor ailments and health issues shall be unavoidable during Thursday and Friday. Negative energy shall surround you more on those days which can also cause issues in your love life and relationship. The weekends will be the highlight of the week with most part of those days being spent in joy. Any prior differences with your significant other remaining from the past are likely to be resolved on the weekends.
Capricorn (Makar)

Its an ideal week for you to make improvement and progress in your career. The right set of attitude can help to give you confidence and boldness to act on ideas that you would not have before. Even if you hit a minor hitch on the road, keep moving forward with courage and you shall find the sweet taste of success. Comfort food and plenty of rest will be the key for you to maintain good health this week. Your bond with your family and friends shall be stable during Thursday and Friday. Health-wise, you may have to incur some expenses due to medical treatment on the weekend. Working hard is admirable but too much hard work can lead to stress and eventually health degradation. Leave your work behind and enjoy your weekend with the loved ones.
Aquarius (Kumbha)

An exceptionally fortunate week is in store for you. Wealth and financial gain can make the week’s start strong. In terms of career and business, this will be one of the best weeks. Any unfinished prior tasks and projects shall see progress this week. Wednesday and Thursday carry the possibility of business transactions meeting your expectations. Financial gain along with networking opportunities shall come your way. Take caution about your health as insomnia can lead to health decline on Friday and Saturday. Time with the family will be the best way to enjoy the weekend. Interesting events and memories can be captured with your family, so a family trip can be a good end of the week.
Pisces (Meena)

The week shall not have the greatest of start as your health looks to suffer. Illness and ailment will give you a fair share of trouble at the week’s start. Furthermore, the week also sees you struggling to save money as your expenditures rise. Do try and hold yourself back to cut down on the expenses. Thursday and Friday are the better part of the week with fortune and favor coming your way. Business travels should be scheduled around those days as they will help to bring the best of the result. The weekend shows you spending time with your loved ones. Surprising your partner with spontaneous plans and activities can help increase their affection towards you and will be the best way to spend the weekend..
Find out your very personal horoscope with the influence of transiting planets at AstroVeda: Personal Astrologer