AstroPodMatch Weekly Horoscope July 2nd – July 8th


AstroPodMatch Weekly Horoscope July 15th– July 21st

AstroPodMatch Weekly Horoscope July 8th – July 15th

Jul 11, 2019


With the planetary alignments changing and with the current planetary transits. Here are the weekly horoscope updates for your zodiac sign from July 8th to July 15th. Read your weekly horoscope and plan your week accordingly.

Aries (Mesha)

Aries ( Mesha)

This week will have a strong start with a weak finish. You will start off the week with a positive mental attitude which will be very helpful to maintain a healthy constitution. Sleep will be a strong factor to keep you energized this week. Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays are a favorable time for you to go out and travel. Those are also the days when you will have more luck in love and romance. Be sure to take out your loved ones to a favorite activity that both of you can enjoy. The weekends will not be as good as the earlier days. Loss of appetite can dampen your mood which can be made worse as chances are there for you to get into a heated argument with friends. As mentioned before, a weak end to a strong start looks to be written for you this week. Take care and enjoy the week.

Taurus (Brisha)

Taurus (Brisha)

A favorable week where things go your way is underway. It is a week where you will find great focus and interest in both studies and profession which will also make you more productive. Any project or work that you do will produce a positive result. It is also a great week in terms of your finances. Minimum expenses can be expected this week which is great for your savings and finances. Weekends, in particular, shall be good for you in terms of travel and business. Female company will be great for you and not just as a romantic interest but as friends as well. Good food will make your weekends even more better than it already is. All in all, this is a week which shall go all to well for you.

Gemini (Mithuna)

Gemini (Mithuna)

Start on a low note and end in a high note, that is how the week shall be for you. You may start your week feeling low on energy and a little distressed in your health. Sleep is vital for health and it will not come easy for you at the start of the week. You do not have to worry for long as Wednesday will bring both health and happiness in your life. The situation at your home will be better than ever which will consequently help to boost your morale. You will also start to produce a better result at work due to a better mental state. The weekend will bring a competitive spirit in you and will also help you to best your rivals

Cancer (Karkata)

Cancer (Karkata)

Goddess of fortune will smile upon you at the beginning of the week. You can expect to make some financial gain at the beginning of the week. A new friendship will establish new bonds and new beginnings. Admiration of friends and peer can give a boost to your confidence. The middle of the week beginning from Wednesday to Friday may not go as you would like to. Family members may not live up to your expectation giving you a sense of betrayal. Expenses can increase more during the time, be sure to pay attention to your finances. The weekend shall be a happier time for you where the love and support of family will be strong for you.

Leo (Simha)

Leo (Simha)

Enthusiasm and motivation will make this week very productive for you. Focus and interest in both your studies and work can be seen at the start of the week. From Wednesday to Friday, your enthusiasm shall be infectious where it will put others to the good mood as well. A positive mindset will bring positive result at work and business. The weekend compared to the weekdays may end up in disappointment. Disagreement with your family member can set a gloomy environment at home. Your health will not be in the best of condition which means that a day out may not bring as much satisfaction as you would hope for. However, buying good clothes can always brighten up your mood.

Virgo (Kanya)

Virgo (Kanya)

The support of friends and colleague shall mean a lot to you this week. The support of your colleague at work will help make your work a lot smoother this week. In an overall view, this week will go well without any hitch. Finances look to be in the better side this week with improvement in both your personal and professional business going well for you. You will be able to outperform your competition. Wednesday and Thursday can bring a grim feeling that you cannot shake but the days itself will go better than your anticipation. Aside from those two days, this week looks to bring an abundance of joy and progress for you.

Libra (Tula)

Libra (Tula)

Dullness will take over your body as laziness will make you complacent at the start of the week. You might feel a little under the weather and getting out of bed can prove to be the biggest challenge for you than anything else. As Tuesday rolls over, you will get your motivation back. Energizing foods can always be a great way to pick yourself up. Love and romance shall further bring back your enthusiasm as the days go by. The weekends show financial benefit for you. Picking up a book that you have been meaning to for a while looks to be all the adventure that you will need to make your weekend interesting.

Scorpio (Brischika)

Scorpion (Brischika)

Guest will bring joy and surprise for you at the beginning of the week. Catching up with your old friends will be a good start for the week. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday will be unlucky days for you this week. Stress level will be on the rise during those days. Staying healthy will require a lot of work and an unsettling feeling will be difficult to get rid off. It is important that you give time to your family this week. Friends will make your weekends a whole lot better. Add to that some delicious food and you have a hearty weekend.

Sagittarius (Dhanu)

Sagittarius (Dhanu)

Your work can attract a lot of attention at the start of the week. Respect and admiration from your peers will make you try your hardest to live up to their expectation. Wednesday till Friday shows a financial gain for you. The company of close friends can help you forget about all the stress accumulated from work. Foods are a comfort that can cheer you up in an instant. The weekend will go awry. Troubles with a family member can dampen your mood. As it is the weekend, you will have to be prepared to spend some money even if it can hurt your pocket. The mentality of having to do something fun and enjoying the weekend can be a little more stressful than you would have thought of.

Capricorn (Makar)

Capricorn (Makara)

A good week for travel whether it be with friends or families. The mid-week will bring many learning moments for you experiencing new things that you have not before. The advice of seniors and elders carry a lot of wisdom especially when it comes to financing and investment. Take notes and take the advice to your heart as it can lead to gold in the future. Fun activities are in store for you at the weekend. Unexpected visitors and chance encounter can bring a surprising turn of even and change of plan for you. A fun and eventful weekend can be seen for you, so be sure to rest well prior to the start of the day to fully enjoy it.

Aquarius (Kumbha)

Aquarius (Kumbha)

Confrontation and conflict is something that you will not be able to avoid during the start of the week. Satisfaction will not come easy to you during the time which can put mental pressure on you. Wednesday will bring peace and serenity in your life. You will feel more relaxed and calm which will be a good change of pace from the chaos running in your mind the previous day. The weekend shows to bring great improvement in your health and excitement taking over your body. Going out and enjoying your day off with a couple of your colleague or friends will be a great way to end the week.

Pisces (Meena)

Pisces (Meena)

Girls, whether they be your friends or love partners, will mean a lot to you this week. Travel will be good for both business and travel at the start of the week. Wednesday till Friday will be a distressing time for you with expenses being more than what you would have hoped for. You will be less motivated to go out and be productive and loss of appetite will make the matter even worse. When everything feels is going wrong in your life, your family will still be your rock even more so during the weekend. Knowing that your family is there to back you up even through the worst of your time will always bring joy to your heart.

Find out your very personal horoscope with the influence of transiting planets at AstroVeda: Personal Astrologer



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