
Happy Birthday Taehyung (V). What does V’s Birth Chart Say? #TAEHYUNGDAY

Jan 2, 2023

Kim Taehyung aka V was born on December 30, 1995 at 5:56am in Busan, Korea. V is born Sagittarius ascendant which implies he is a vibrant and happy-go-lucky person. He carries an optimistic outlook on the world. He is endowed with childlike curiosity hence he seeks satisfaction in expanding his horizon.

BTS: The Best is Yet to Come! What’s special in Jung Kook’s Birth Chart leading him towards a massive singing career success?

Nov 18, 2022

Jungkook is born a Virgo ascendant and the “Perfectionism” trait is somehow glued to Virgo natives. This implies Jungkook has this obsession to reach the level of perfection with the work he partakes in life and he will have his standard set high to enhance his performance and work.

Selena Gomez: Love Thyself – My Mind and Me

Nov 10, 2022

Selena is born with Cancer (water sign) as her ascendant. A native with the water sign as his/her ascendant sign is sensitive, empathetic, and intuitive. Their life choices and mental process are governed by their emotions which is why they do things in life that makes sense to their heart rather than their head.

Johnny Depp’s Birth Chart Reading about his abusive childhood and drug abuse

Nov 3, 2022

It’s the Moon and the fourth house is associated with the quality of the relationship a native will get to share with his/her mother. Thus, observing the placement of the Moon-significator of Mother in Johnny Depps’ Vedic chart, the Moon is in conjunction with malefic Ketu.

Zodiac Sign & Personality traits of Each BTS Member

Aug 31, 2022

BTS does have a large number of loyal fan and followers. So, there may be more than a few fans who would like to know what the zodiac sign of each of their favorite member of BTS maybe

Relationship Compatibility of Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Nick Jonas

Apr 5, 2019

Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas are heading for the divorce? The age gap isn’t a problem for the duo: They will have perfect love compatibility value.While, other the other hand, Priyanka Chopra is found satisfied and enjoying her time with Nick. She is currently under the time (dasha) of love planet Venus (Siddha).

The Sound Of Zodiac- Music That Each Zodiac Sign Likes

Feb 24, 2019

Everyone of us have our own taste and preference and the zodiac sign affects your music taste. Find out how!

Why Did Ariana Grande Break Off Her Engagement To Pete Davidson?

Feb 19, 2019

Analyzing her chart to take a deeper look as to why her relationships have not been fruitful and an astrological reading about Ariana shows that she has had unsuitable zodiac matching in her past relationships and this followed with malefic planetary influence have not made it easier in her love life.

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