With the planetary alignments changing and with the current planetary transits. Here are the weekly horoscope updates for your zodiac sign from July 22nd to July 28th. Read your weekly horoscope and plan your week accordingly.
Aries (Mesha)

Days filled with happiness and joy can be seen for you this week. Monday and Tuesday show a bonding moment with your family with the prospect of a family trip coming up. Helping out others will bring the feeling of fulfillment in your soul. Do not hesitate to help out a person in need when such situation arises in those days. You can expect a good work environment from Wednesday to Friday. The help of your colleagues and superiors will make your work smoother and make you feel more respected and admired. The weekend shall be even better with guests making surprise appearances. A good week will make content to enjoy the weekend and a good sleep will put a perfect finish to an already great week.
Taurus (Brisha)

The first half of the week will go pretty much in your favor. Especially when it comes to business and financial investment. Business deal and the financial transaction will go as expected which can result in a good return from investments. Dark clouds will loom over you on Thursday and Friday. While things may be progressing smoothly, those two days shows unfavorable outcomes for you. Conflict within the family whether it be with your lover or parents and siblings can also be seen during that time. The chances of financial expenses do not help to improve your day either. But, your troubles will be overtaken by laughter and joy brought out by your friends on the weekend. Day off hanging out with your friends is all that one can ask for to forget about stress and relax. The week shall have both ups and downs with ups being more than downs.
Gemini (Mithuna)

Do not hold back and be bold between from Monday to Wednesday. Actions taken with courage will be fruitful during the period. Friendship with a senior/elder can lead to many learning experiences. The respect and admiration of people around you will give a boost to your self-confidence. Do not hesitate to help someone in need on Thursday and Friday as Karma comes around. Your small help that day can turn into a big help towards you in the future. Profit and financial gain are also more likely during those days. An argument with your loved ones may not be how you may have expected your Saturday and Sunday to go. Slightly weak health and stress can take a toll on your body on those days. In terms of finances, it will not be one of your strongest days. Best try to eat healthily and be less confrontational during those days. The week will go great for you for the most part.
Cancer (Karkata)

The week will be off to a shaky start. Be prepared to meet with disappointment and dissatisfaction on Monday and Tuesday as support from your family may not be as strong as you would love to have. Do not feel down at the thought though, as the prospect of travel looks to cheer up your mood. Excitement will rise as Tuesday comes in and will last in your bone till the end of Friday. Work shall be smooth and you can count on your colleague to back you up and make your work more efficient and easy. The weekend shall be even better than weekdays. Expect to get a visit from a familiar face as old friends and guest will bring happiness in your days off. Quality food and expensive clothes are also on the watch for your weekends, so make plans for dinner at a fancy restaurant. It shall be a progressive week for you.
Leo (Simha)

The chances of sickness and ailment troubling you will be present from Monday till Wednesday. Indigestion and loss of appetite will likely be the leading sickness to trouble you. Trouble will stay right around the corner, best to take caution in every move you make. Thursday and Friday will only add to your issues as discord in the family are more likely to occur in those days. Avoid trusting others too much during the time as your trust may not be held. While weekdays may be hard for you, the weekend will be much positive. Time spent with your special person will help you to be in a better state of mind. Respect and admiration will encourage you to overcome any challenge that may come your way. It will not be the best of the week for you, but the end will be enjoyable despite the difficulties.
Virgo (Kanya)

We all want respect and you will be getting just that for the first half of the week till Wednesday. Unexpected financial gain may just bring you more joy and happiness. A good night’s rest which you will not have trouble for shall keep you energized and prepared to take on the next day. Things will begin to unravel with the arrival of Thursday. Your mind will be clouded and you may not be able to make the best of decision. You may find yourself in the middle of conflicts and arguments on Thursday and Friday. The weekend will not bring much improvement either. Your reputation may take a hit during the weekend as embarrassing moments can become your highlight. Expenses will be the norm as money will continue to slip out of your hand. The week will be off to a great start but will turn around halfway.
Libra (Tula)

You will start your week with a healthy body and mind. The competition will be less, giving you more peace and quiet as well as focus. Business and pet projects will bear better results than you would have hoped for. Happiness will be unbound for the first half of the week. Thursday and Friday will be good days for traveling whether it be for business or recreation. The presence of female will mean a lot to you during those days, keep close to your female friends or family members. The weekend will sing a different tune altogether as a haze will shroud over you. Aggression and quick judgment will do you more harm than favor on weekends, try to remain passive. Your perspective may not be easily accepted by others, do think twice before stating your opinions. A troubling weekend but overall a good week for you.
Scorpio (Brischika)

Much of your task may remain unfinished for the first half of the week. As much as multiple choices give you multiple options, they may prove difficult for you to choose from. Till Wednesday, it may be better to keep your secrets to yourself as others may not feel obliged to keep it that way. Thursday and Friday will be good days when it comes to your work. Support from your peers will make you feel supported and keep you more focused at work. Your situation at home will also be good making you feel more connected to your family. Weekends will be a good time to go out for a ride or travel around. If you would prefer to be productive, that will also be a viable option as a business deal will produce a good result. All in all a week that keeps improving for better with each passing day.
Sagittarius (Dhanu)

A challenging week lies ahead of you. Monday till Wednesday shows you having trouble with your health with indigestion and abdomen being especially more troublesome. Finances will take a hike as the mental strain will test your patience. Your weak health constitution will continue throughout the weekdays. Do take extra measure to make a healthy choice which includes healthy food and habits. Thursday and Friday will bring obstruction in your work as your plans and projects will fail to produce good results. Books and education will hold no interest for you. The business will boom on Weekend and your finances will improve along with it. Those days will also be a good time for you to start any project and task that you have put on hold. A challenging week will segway into a better one.
Capricorn (Makar)

Lady luck shall stay with you for the first half of the week. Laughter and joy will continue to fall in your lap as finances look to improve. Your professional life will seemingly be smooth as you are likely to blow your competition out of the water. Friends will be your little happy pills when things get too stressful. Thursday and Friday will take a darker tone as ailment and illness look to trouble you. Expenses will be more than you would expect during those days while uneasiness in your sleep will keep you awake through the nights. Avoid any usage of alcohol during those days as they will lead you to harm. The weekend will not bring improvement to your situation. Your judgment will be put to test as misdemeanor thoughts can take hold of your mind during the weekend. The week will continue to be difficult for you, savor every joyful moment.
Aquarius (Kumbha)

Illness and sick health will take most of your concern for the first half of the week. Loss of appetite and indigestion are the common health issues that will give you trouble this week. Weak health can be stressful but make sure that your stress does not affect others. Meditation can be a great aid to remain calm and poise. Thursday and Friday show you losing focus on your work. Chances are pretty for you to find yourself hanging around with the circle of people who may not have the best of intention for you. Keep your mind clear to judge a good friend from a selfish one. Better health during the weekend shall provide you with more energy to enjoy the days. Your weekdays might be stressful but your weekend will help you forget all about that. Health will prove to be a great challenge for you this week take extra care for in your dietary plans.
Pisces (Meena)

Focus and motivation will be a good start to the week. Foods will be very important to you during the first half of the week as they shall bring comfort and enjoyment for you. Thursday and Friday shall be the challenging days for you. The bearer of bad news may visit you during those days while your interest and focus can diminish. Disagreement and argument with your family members are also likely to occur. Something shall be out of your control, but there are things that you can still keep under control. The weekend shall bring along with it confidence and conviction. You may feel like you can achieve anything and you will be able to do so as well. With the exception of a minor bump, this will be a good week for you in an overall view.
Find out your very personal horoscope with the influence of transiting planets at AstroVeda: Personal Astrologer