With the planetary alignments changing and with the current planetary transits. Here are the weekly horoscope updates for your zodiac sign for the first week of June. Read your horoscope and plan your week accordingly.
Aries (Mesha)

Success follows you at the start of the week. So, any program that you have planned should be scheduled for the beginning days of the week. Likewise, this time will mark a surge of enthusiasm in you towards research or work tasks that demand your attention. Your family is also likely to add to your peace and happiness. Your success story shall continue even in the weekdays. You shall ward off your enemies and impress others who you care about. It is also a favorable time to make some benefits both in terms of health and finance. In addition, you shall garner respect from others; so in the mid-week, you shall be intrinsically happy. But, the arrival of the weekend portrays a different picture. Some financial difficulties are bound to follow, so handle your expenses wisely. Also, be cautious about what you eat in order to avoid probable stomach ailments. Some harm to your self-esteem looks probable, so make sure you are righteous in your part.
Taurus (Brisha)

Ever had a week that goes by suspiciously well? Well, for you, this by and large, is that week. The early days of the week shall turn most of your tasks into success. Some financial benefits shall also follow and you shall feel replete with enthusiasm towards your work. Also, your family doesn’t seem to fail to add to your happiness. The same pattern continues in the following days. You shall overcome your enemies and your health and finances shall experience steady improvement. You friends shall bring joy to you and excitement levels shall rise in the mid-week. Towards the weekend, you shall find opportunities to indulge in intimate interactions with the opposite sex and even chances of short trips. Prepare yourself for some fine dining experience as you see your success story continue until the end of this week.
Gemini (Mithuna)

The beginning of the week shall see you replete with enthusiasm towards your work that shall translate into success in your undertakings. You shall garner the respect of others and your family shall add to your happiness. The mid-days of the week shall also follow the same pattern with opportunities for some financial benefits. You shall ward off your rivals and your friends’ company shall make you content. The weekend shall be the time to engage in some self-indulgence. Possibilities are that you shall spend the weekend shopping and even fine dining. This week shall also bring you some health benefits. So, by and large, this week is your week.
Cancer (Karkata)

This week shall have a promising start for you. You shall have support from friends and colleagues and you shall achieve a balance in your income and expenses towards the beginning of the week. Resolving the idle tasks and a good time with closed ones are the highlights of the week. Personal and professional relations shall remain smooth keeping you in a good mood. Going on a shopping spree is something you want to be a little careful about. This week is a good time for you to complete the tasks at hand. Working people shall have good progress at work and the students too shall be able to focus on their academics. The weekends might not be as promising though. Some stress can be seen in personal relations and trusting people too soon is not suggested during the weekend. You might even face controversy or false accusations towards the weekend. Overthinking and over-stressing might only bring you trouble in health. You might need some alone time this weekend to re-energize yourself and be ready for the upcoming week.
Leo (Simha)

The beginning of this week is a good time for you to make that important meeting or talk that you have been postponing for a while now. If you have not been too focused on your academics or work, then this is the time for you to change that. You shall find support from friends and close ones and this is something that will keep you in a good mood. Your energy and determination shall remain strong and with some dedication, you shall stand out this week. You shall be appreciated and praised for the efforts and it shall keep you motivated. Friday and Saturday might not be as good as you think. Some stress can be expected in the family. You might want to remain stress-free as that might take a toll on your health. Losing your sleep over something that happened in the past or that has not happened yet might not be a good idea. Sunday shall bring you satisfaction again.
Virgo (Kanya)

If you have been thinking of treating yourself with your favorite cuisine and buying yourself something good, now is the time. This shall keep you in a good mood as well. You shall have good health towards the beginning of the week and you are likely to have a good time with close ones. Your loved ones shall support you and that support shall help you resolve the idle tasks. Things are likely to remain smooth at work and business. You shall remain motivated and energetic towards the end of the week and your finesse shall help you earn some respect and appreciation. Sunday might not be that good for you this week. You might want to take things slow and you might want to take some time for yourself. You might face minor health issues this Sunday and you might want to remain stress-free and calm.
Libra (Tula)

The week might not start as good as you think it should. Expenses might rise and you might not have as much support and appreciation from loved ones as you want. Stressing too much might only take a toll on your health and you might want to take things one at a time this weekend. People might take the time to understand your motives and views this week, dear Karkata. Let them have their time and you shall see things turning in your favor as the days pass by. Wednesday and Thursday shall be good days for you. You shall be able to resolve your tasks and you shall get appreciated as well. With the stress relieved, you shall have good health too. The rest of the week shall not be different as you shall have some good news during that time. Support from friends and family shall make your day. This weekend is a good time for you to spend with loved ones and getting relieved of the stress of the week shall be fruitful.
Scorpio (Brischika)

Expecting guests this week? Well if not, be ready to greet some. You shall meet some loved ones and spending some time with them shall bring you some happiness. But be relieved as your expenses and income shall remain balanced. Wednesday and Thursday cannot be considered the same as you might find your expenses rising. Your health too might not remain as sound. Maybe too much fun towards the weekend might take a toll on your health. You don’t want your health to affect your work and you don’t want any controversy. Hence some care to your health shall be good. Things shall gradually get better with the arrival of Friday. Your health shall get better and you shall gain some appraisal with good performance at work. Your good times shall last till the weekend and you shall get a chance to relieve all the stress of the week.
Sagittarius (Dhanu)

The appraisal that you have longed for and waited for so long might be just around the corner. You are likely to be praised by peers and seniors with the start of the week. Resolving tasks will not be that hard this week with your dedication and efforts. You shall meet some old friends or relatives this week and that shall keep you pleased. But you might want to take it easy on having fun as too much fun might take a toll on your health, especially during Friday and Saturday. You might want to keep a closed fist as the expenses might be on the rise too. Sunday shall be a good time for you too with cuisine and a good time with loved ones.
Capricorn (Makar)

Start the week early as they say, “the early bird gets the worm”. You shall be able to avoid much trouble with a little more care while driving or traveling as you don’t want those expensive tickets. Your work and business too might need some more attention towards the beginning of the week. Things shall get straight with the arrival of Wednesday. A company of senior and even an appreciation from seniors are the highlights of the week. Support from peers shall make things easy for you. Friday and Saturday shall be filled with fun. You might get to meet that old friend of yours or even some relatives. You shall remain happy and content in those days. But you might want to take good care of your health as the fun during the weekend might take a toll on your health and you might not be able to enjoy Sunday that much.
Aquarius (Kumbha)

All hands on deck! The start of the week is the time when you should be on high alert. Your rivals are vying for an opportunity to belittle you – do not give them one. Unnecessary finances are liable to rise, so make your decisions wisely. Be choosy about what you intake, or else some stomach ailments look imminent. As Wednesday approaches, the tables shall turn in your favor. Your superiors, along with your family, shall recognize your efforts; and this shall add to your happiness. Mid-week shall see your finances improving and, by the weekend, your undertakings shall turn out to be successful. The person who you admire or look up to shall take notice of you, and you shall earn the respect of others as well.
Pisces (Meena)

The beginning of the week marks good news coming your way with opportunities to indulge in a short trip and joyful interactions with the opposite sex. Better yet, the start of the week promises offers of fine dining together with chances to relax and put your feet up – probably the best time to catch some sleep that you feel you deserve. You shall find others conform to your way of thinking, and this shall reinforce optimism in you for the rest of the week to face the challenges that follow. However, be wise enough to handle your expenses, as the arrival of Wednesday might make you financially susceptible. Mid-week you are likely to lack adequate enthusiasm and motivation, and this might lead you to fall into others’ traps. So, be cautious about who you choose to trust. Also, give priority to your health in this period. On approaching the weekends, you will once again experience the odds turning in your favor. The good news follows you then, in the form of support from family, and yet another travel offer. Be ready to make some financial benefit towards the end of the week.
Find out your very personal horoscope with the influence of transiting planets at AstroVeda: Personal Astrologer